Personalized business gifts for sustainable companies
Numerous companies use personalized business gifts as an element of their marketing strategy. Business gifts help recognize your customers, employees and other stakeholders, and they often feel more appreciated when they receive personalized business gifts from your company. Business gifts are perfect for personal greetings, but also suitable for creating awareness of your business and your messages.
We at Sprout have created the perfect business gift to ecoconscious companies that want to display their sustainability to others. We call it the Sprout pencil – the promotional pencil that sprouts and turns into a plant when you bury it in a flowerpot.
Plantable personalized business gifts - gifts that gives back
The Sprout pencil may be a humble business gift. In return, it is one of the most sustainable personalized business gifts there is.
The pencil is made of reusable, biodegradable and non-toxic materials such as graphite, wood and clay and is also produced under sustainable conditions. However, not just the materials and the production alone make the Sprout pencil 100 percent sustainable.
In all Sprout pencils we have embedded a biodegradable plant capsule. The capsules contain a non-GMO seed that turns into vegetables, flowers or vegetables when the pencil stub is buried in the soil after it has been used.
Long-lasting and biodegradable materials
Above all, the Sprout pencil is made to write, draw or design, and the pencil is made of quality graphite which means that your customers get a long-lasting product when your company uses it as one of your personalized business gifts. At the same time, the pencil is 100 percent biodegradable, and it will turn into compost if you bury it.
Sprout pencils are sustainable all the way from production to sprouting.
If you want to know more about how your company can use Sprout pencils as personalized business gifts? Please contact Sprout and learn more.
Still Looking?
If you can’t find the materials you need here, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.