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Hotel Agapi 

Agapi Beach Resort, Crete, Greece, a premium all-inclusive resort

Branded pencils on cards

The SproutWorld pencils are gifted to guests in hotel cooking classes and Eco-tour 

The hotel prioritizes sustainable practices and is Green Key-certified 

The story

We usually gift the pencils to younger guests and when our guests join our Eco-Tour or cooking classes. Every week, we invite guests to take part in our garden tour. Accompanied by our head gardener, guests stroll around the resort’s lush gardens, learning about the local flora and endemic species. A stop at the resort’s organic kitchen garden offers the opportunity to learn more about our sustainable cultivating practices. 

The pencils are an ideal gift for guests, as they continuously remind them of their stay with us when they plant them and watch them grow. 

SproutWorld pencils are great because they embody our dedication to sustainable practices in a fun and innovative way. We have the Green Key eco-label to verify that we are an environmentally friendly, sustainable, and responsible business. 

Our guests have welcomed the pencils as they are lightweight and easy to write with.  

They have the added advantage of growing into different herbs when planted. These herbs are widespread on Crete, and I believe the pencils to be both a beautiful and memorable gift.